Saturday, January 07, 2006

A Clockwork Orange

Location: Home
Seen Before: Yes
Rating: 5.0

Every time I watch this film I think of the first time I saw it: on a copy of a VHS made by Lisa Didomenico, home alone on an 11th grade Saturday (or maybe it was a Friday night)
. I knew very little about the film, other than the ideas I had formed about it due to its somewhat infamous reputation. Watching it was nerve-racking, as I was constantly waiting for something shocking and unsettling to happen and, of course, those expectations were met throughout. I took a deep liking to it, however, and after watching it felt as if I was in on a juicy secret that few others could say they were carrying with them; not especially because I thought that many people were unaware of the film, but I suppose instead because of its tour de force portrayal of sex, violence, politics, satire, language and music. This of course turned me on to the films of Stanley Kubrick--films that are so blazingly unique and have made such an impact on me.


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