Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Trainspotting (1996)

University Center 212
Seen Before: Yes
Rating: 5.0

Trainspotting is an explosively wonderful and exciting film. I feel like at a time that was becoming really hammered down with Tarantino rip-offs and Gen-X slackers, this movie came to the US and reminded us what it takes to make an audience laugh and feel horror in a truely original way.
It's a testament to the filmmakers and actors that, in the way that this story is constructed (feeling very much like a novel--rightly so, of course), the film always keeps your attention and never lags.
Every viewing of this is a repeated fresh breath of air.


Blogger Eric Dienstfrey said...

For what class did you watch both TRAINSPOTTING and A SIMPLE PLAN?? Or am I wrong?

2:00 AM  
Blogger Marco Roman said...

No no it was for my Narrative Structure of Film class where we learn how films are broken down into [usually] 8 seperate sequences. Great class & teacher. "Trainspotting" is maybe a bit more difficult to break down because of the way the story is told (and the VO), but it was a good exercise.

10:52 PM  

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