Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Sleepy Hollow (1999)

Location: Home
Seen Before: Yes
Rating: 2.5

It seems like Tim Burton would be one of the few filmmakers in Hollywood today to make this film work, but the mirror opposite of that is true--it's Burton's helm that ultimately makes this film fail. Him finally being able to make an R-rated, full-blown horror flick gives him too much room to put everything out there; the subtlety and imagination of Edward Scissorhands and the biting wit of Ed Wood are completely lost on this film. In fact, the only part left over of the two aforementioned Burton heyday works--Johnny Depp--is the only thing that holds together this overall unsatisfying attempt. He's spot-on and fun to watch and the art direction and cinematography are impressive as well, but this is truely only worth a viewing for the uber-curious.


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