Fitzcarraldo (1982)
Location: Home
Seen Before: No
Rating: 4.0
While watching Burden of Dreams, I noticed that I never saw lights set up for the shoots. In fact, it seemed mostly to just be Herzog, the camera operator, and the actors. It seems pretty unthinkable that he wouldn't light this, but I guess he didn't. That, the locations, and the filmstock/equiptment used really add to the [unintentional] documentary look to this. I liked it; Herzog is a truely fascinating filmmaker.
You probably know of these but also be sure to check out AGUIRRE: THE WRATH OF GOD and MY BEST FIEND.
Do you listen to the podcast Filmspotting (formerly Cinecast)? They've been having a Herzog marathon and mentioned these two films. I plan on checking them out
No, can I find it off iTunes?
We watched AGUIRRE in college, and my prof showed clips from MY BEST FIEND.
yes, filmspotting is on itunes. i think they have an itunes link on their site,
found it... i see they had a whole kinski/herzog marathon.
thanks for letting me know about it.
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