Tuesday, March 07, 2006

My Own Private Idaho (1991)

Location: Home
Seen Before: Yes
Rating: 5.0

I find this film to be really, really exciting; I feel like Van Sant has so many ideas here and is so ready to try anything and it all fits together so snuggly. Even Reeves, who, for the most part I find does a pretty poor job in just about anything, works just fine. River is completely perfect and, as I already touched upon, Van Sant is at the complete top of his game. The only thing that doesn't sit all the way well with me is the episode with Bob and Shakespeare toward the front--it feels only the slightest bit out of place and I really just find myself a little uninterested here (amazingly, Reeves does really well here--who would have thought?). I can't blame Van Sant though, because even that section still works within the whole of the film. My Own Private Idaho is a modern-day classic.


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