Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Blackboard Jungle (1955)

Location: Home (DVD)
Seen Before: No
Rating: 3.5

I have to imagine that this film is--or at least one of the first--in the "classroom drama" sub-genre that has emerged over the years. So, how does it fare alongside its comrades in battling the evil youth of inner-city schools? Pretty well. In fact, I think it is the best of the genre--it feels the freshest (possibly because of its age) and, often, toughest. As a film on its own, however, I think it falls a bit short.

As much as I like Glenn Ford in this, I feel like his character is often a bit too much with his crusade to educate. More so, the kids aren't necessarily corny, but rather stereotypical. The worst of the bunch is also the best in some ways--Sydney Poitier. As fun as he is to watch, his character--to me--suddenly changes his ways on the drop of a dime. The surrender of the two boys at the climax, as well, comes off as a bit unrealistic.

This film does deserve applause for its often shocking violence because it dared to go places that others didn't--it often took me by surprise.


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