Tuesday, March 21, 2006

My Cousin Vinny (1992)

Location: Home
Seen Before: Yes
Rating: 5.0

It's simple, formulaic, from the early 1990's--and ridiculously funny and enjoyable. Maybe it is simply a nostalgia pick of mine, but I think dearly of this movie. Too true is it that movies like this are not made anymore; it's all Anchorman or Just Friends or Waiting or some other forgetable waste of 90 minutes with that guy from that tv show about his friends and pizza. Movies used to be able to just be nothing special and still remain enjoyable. How rare these days.


Blogger Rachel Ann Brickner said...

haha oh man. this movie definitely brings up some childhood memories. i'm so glad you watched this. incredible. we have on vhs at home. maybe i'll watch it tomorrow night.

6:28 PM  

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